meet jumaane
Jumaane Williams has served as New York City’s Public Advocate since 2019.
Since becoming Public Advocate, the second-highest ranking office in New York City, Jumaane has restructured the office to empower staff to prioritize community engagement, outreach, and service. He has also passed more legislation in office than all previous Public Advocates combined, including key bills that protect New Yorkers in the workplace and those looking for work, shield struggling homeowners from undue tax burdens, increase public safety, and fight discrimination in our housing systems.
Prior to serving as Public Advocate, he represented Brooklyn’s 45th District in the New York City Council from 2009-2019.
Jumaane is a first-generation Brooklynite of Grenadian heritage. He was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and ADHD as a teenager, persevering as he came up through the public school system from pre-school to Master’s. After graduating, Jumaane began his career as a community organizer by serving as the assistant director for the Greater Flatbush Beacon School, then later as the executive director of New York State Tenants & Neighbors, where he fought for truly affordable, income targeted housing across the city and state. In 2009, he defeated an incumbent to begin his career as an activist elected official in the New York City Council.
During his time at City Hall, Jumaane has championed landmark legislation to create transformational change. In his first term, Jumaane aimed to end the abuse of the NYPD’s use of stop, question and frisk by sponsoring the Community Safety Act. The legislation was enacted despite a veto from then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and helped put an end to unlawful policing practices typically used in communities of more color, while creating the NYPD’s Office of Inspector General to investigate unlawful or unethical practices within the department.
As Co-Chair of the Council’s Task Force to Combat Gun Violence, he helped launch New York’s Crisis Management System, which funds Cure Violence Groups that work to reduce shootings through a multi-pronged, community-centered approach. As Chairman of the Council’s Housing and Buildings Committee, he challenged the de Blasio administration’s inadequate affordable housing plan by advocating for more deeply affordable housing to help prevent communities from being priced out of the five boroughs..
Throughout his over decade of service in government, Jumaane never stopped standing with marginalized communities to fight for justice and equity for all, and has never been afraid to put his body on the line. He has been arrested more than any other sitting elected official in New York, standing up for women’s rights, immigration rights, housing rights, and more.